Research Programs

Research programs come after a successful research initiative and include more substantial funding over a two to three year period. Programs focus on preliminary data collection and external fundraising.

A flexible patch for minimally invasive electronic healthcare devices

In-Body Networks of Electronic Therapeutics

A new form of wireless communication that enables a wearable patch to communicate with ingested and implanted devices regardless of their location in the body without the need for large electronic components or energy sources. The goal is for the development of previously impossible minimally invasive electronic therapeutic devices such as ingestible insulin pumps and triggerable neurostimulation systems.

Lead: Alex Abramson

Rendering of research

Compressed Super-Resolution TEM Using Nanoelectronic Coded Aperture Device

This research focuses on investigating the dynamics of nanoscale objects in their native liquid environment, from synthetic colloidal nanomachines to biological macromolecules, using liquid phase transmission electron microscopy. The goal is to develop experimental and computational tools to visualize and characterize dynamic behavior (equilibrium and non-equilibrium) at small length scales and in real-time.

Lead: Vida Jamali