Our Vision
The Institute for Matter and Systems enables convergent research at Georgia Tech related to the science, technology, and societal underpinnings of innovative materials, processes, and devices, and their incorporation into systems that solve complex grand challenges

Enable inclusive and active communities of interdisciplinary researchers across all of Georgia Tech’s colleges, schools, and the Georgia Tech Research Institute, to define and communicate Georgia Tech’s vision and capabilities, to take risks in developing early-stage ideas, and to build and sustain teams that create, respond to, and execute on large-scale multi-investigator extramural funding opportunities.

Operate world-class facilities and administrative infrastructure to enable transformative interdisciplinary research at Georgia Tech. IMS maintains extensive cleanroom, fabrication, and materials characterization core facilities that are open to Georgia Tech researchers as well as external customers in academia, government, and industry. The core facilities are part of the Southeastern Nanotechnology Infrastructure Corridor, one of the sites in the NSF-funded National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure.

Champion workforce development and outreach programs to inspire the next generation and equip the workforce with the skills necessary to collaborate and communicate across multiple disciplines.

Develop and support impactful partnerships with industry, government, and non-profits to create positive societal and economic impact including assisting faculty with commercialization.