David Tavakoli
Senior Research Scientist

David Tavakoli is the lead for the X-Ray Analysis Core for the Materials Characterization Facility (MCF) and has been at Georgia Tech since 2012. He is a member of the Radiation Safety Committee at Georgia Tech as well as a member of the local chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS). His responsibilities include: 

  • Managing the X-ray analysis instrumentation in the IMS MCF.
  • Coordinating MCF efforts for the Atlanta Science Festival
  • Coordinating Outreach activities for STEM in the surrounding area with recent events including Marietta High School and Muscogee County Schools
  • Coordinating lab courses from the Colleges of Science and Engineering 
  • Working with MCF staff to coordinate trainings on XRF and XRD for the MCF as well as at GT-AIM
IRI And Role
Matter and Systems > Employees > Research Faculty
Matter and Systems > Employees > Technical Staff
Matter and Systems > MCF