12:00 EDT
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Marcus Nanotechnology Building | 1117-1118

Systems Matter Seminar | Using the Inertia of Matter and MEMS Systems to Measure and Diagnose Complex Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases.

Featuring Michael Fonseca, VP of Product Development at StethX Microsystems

Using the inertia of matter and MEMS systems to measure and diagnose complex cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. 

Abstract: Since the early 19th century, physicians have used auscultation to listen to the human body to detect diseases. Mechano-acoustic organs such as the lungs and heart produce vibrations that depend on the health and well-being of the individual or are characteristic of organ function and disease progression. The stethoscope has been the primary listening tool for most of this history. Critical advantages of stethoscopes are portability, ease of use, noninvasiveness, and being inexpensive; for these reasons, the stethoscope remains a staple of medical practice.  More advanced diagnostic tools, such as ultrasound, MRI, and other imaging modalities, surpass the performance of stethoscopes by exchanging size, cost, and complexity for sensitivity and specificity, and remove the potential for bias or subjectivity. Ultimately, stethoscopes are limited by the human ear and human perception. Suppose we use modern technology, digital signal processing, machine learning, algorithms, and longitudinal data to empower patients as active participants in their disease management. In that case, we need new devices and systems that effectively use mechano-acoustic vibrations at home and by patients.

For over two decades, MEMS engineers and scientists have explored and taken advantage of fundamental Newtonian mechanics to design systems that use nano-scale dimensions, the inertia of matter, and the power of transduction to measure acceleration. These sensors can achieve high sensitivities with ultra-low noise performance. A new window of opportunities emerges when integrated into a system for measuring and recording human vibrations. Undoubtedly, it will require a multidisciplinary effort to converge the inertia of matter into an integrated system that can detect and diagnose complex cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.


Bio: Michael Fonseca has over 20 years of experience developing MEMS-based medical devices and currently serves as the VP of Product Development at StethX Microsystems. Prior to StethX, Fonseca served as Director of Product Development for Abbott’s Heart Failure division, focused on remote monitoring of chronic diseases.

Fonseca received his B.S. in electrical engineering from Georgia Tech and joined the MicroSensor and MicroActuators research group  Concurrent with earning his Ph.D. from Georgia Tech, he joined the medical device startup world, where CardioMEMS, Inc. successfully commercialized the world’s first permanently implantable wireless MEMS pressure sensor for remote monitoring of chronic diseases. The startup commercialized wireless pressure sensing platforms to remotely monitor endovascular repair of aortic and thoracic aneurysms (AAA EndoSureTM) and chronic heart failure patients (CardioMEMSTM HF System).