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Georgia Tech strives to cultivate thought leaders, advance knowledge, and solve societal challenges by embracing various aspects of the research ecosystem. Through the HBCU/MSI Research Initiative, Georgia Tech seeks to capture data surrounding its research impact in the Georgia Tech-HBCU Research Collaboration Data Dashboard. The dashboard allows users to see information regarding joint funding, publications, hubs, and awards won by the HBCU CHIPS Network, which is co-led by Georgia Tech. 

“The data dashboard will represent a key resource for both Georgia Tech and HBCU researchers seeking to enhance research collaboration while substantiating Georgia Tech’s commitment as a valued partner,” said George White, senior director for strategic partnerships.

The Georgia Tech-HBCU Research Collaboration Data Dashboard will serve as a point of reference for faculty and staff in the various departments and colleges to identify opportunities of mutual benefits for collaboration and partnership.

To view the dashboard, visit