Join Us as an Initiative Lead

Are you ready to be part of Georgia Tech’s newest interdisciplinary venture? The Institute for Matter and Systems (IMS) is calling for dynamic and visionary initiative leads to join our ambitious research and innovation program. This is your chance to contribute to our vision of establishing Georgia Tech as the unassailable thought leader in ‘matter and systems,’ and to play a crucial role in the Institute’s growth. 

About IMS 

IMS is Georgia Tech’s newest interdisciplinary research institute, dedicated to the convergence of innovative materials, devices, and processes. We believe that breakthroughs in these areas will create revolutionary technological and societal systems, driving the future of innovation. Our goal is to leverage Georgia Tech’s talent and resources to pioneer the systems of tomorrow and their foundational components.

The Opportunity 

IMS offers a structured funding program across three tiers: centers, programs, and initiatives. Our research initiatives are designed to be agile, early-stage projects that focus on visioning and team building through meetings, workshops, and grant writing. These initiatives are ideal for researchers looking to explore new ideas and build collaborative networks. 

As an initiative lead, you will receive up to $10k per year in direct funding to refine your vision and assemble a strong team, enabling you to apply for program-level funding from IMS or other external entities.

Apply Now

Send application materials via email to Bhumi Patel ( no later than September 1, 2024. 

Each application should include a narrative and the initiative lead’s NSF-style biosketch in a single PDF file.

Initiative narratives are limited to 2 pages, including figures, references, and a tentative budget. 

Applicants should consider the following questions in their narratives: 

  1. What is the potential impact of your research initiative on science, technology, and society? What metrics demonstrate how this research promises to conceptually or quantitatively advance the state-of-the-art? 
  2. What interdisciplinary expertise is needed to enable this research? Which researchers do you plan to engage? 
  3. Why are you suited to lead this initiative? What makes Georgia Tech the ideal place to pursue this idea? 

We are accepting applications for the two tracks listed below.

Submit your application

Track 1

Track 1: These initiatives identify an important national trend and bring together faculty and researchers with the interdisciplinary expertise to make breakthroughs and be competitive in large, external funding calls (e.g., ERCs, EFRCs).

Track 2

Track 2: These initiatives propose a fundamentally new research area and assemble faculty and researchers with the convergent technical expertise to demonstrate its significance.


What is the timeline for funding?

Funding for successful initiatives will be available starting in the fall 2024 semester. The total number of newly funded initiatives will depend on the quality of submissions and available funding.

How does reporting for this project work?

Initiative leads will meet quarterly with the IMS Deputy Director. Initiatives will submit a brief report of their progress at the end of each fiscal year. Funding beyond the first fiscal year will depend on progress toward the initiative’s goals and available funding.

Must I have answers to all the above narrative questions?

No. We encourage applications with ideas and connections still under development. Answer each question to the best of your ability and indicate where further work will be needed post-funding.

Does my initiative have to align with the current IMS research thrusts?

No. We expect some initiatives to align with existing thrusts (see website); however, we also encourage applications that identify new opportunities at the intersection of materials, devices, processes, and systems.

If my initiative ideas overlap with an existing IMS center, program, or initiative, how should I address this in my proposal?

Clearly state both the similarities and the distinctions between your initiative and the existing IMS initiative. While some degree of overlap may be unavoidable, it is important to make a strong case for why your initiative merits funding despite these overlaps.

If I have previously received IEN/IMat funding, can I still apply to be an initiative lead?

Yes. However, you must make the case that the proposed initiative is fundamentally distinct from your previously funded effort.

Does my team have to be fully formed upon application?

No. We accept applications from teams of any size, whether you are an individual researcher or already part of a large team.

Can faculty and researchers from any Georgia Tech colleges apply to be initiative leads?

Yes. We strongly encourage faculty and researchers from the College of Computing, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, College of Design, Scheller College of Business, and the Georgia Tech Research Institute to apply.

Can research faculty be initiative leads?


Can my team contain researchers from outside of Georgia Tech?


Can I speak with someone about my ideas?

Yes. Contact Michael Filler at any time with questions or to discuss a potential initiative idea. Additionally, a lunchtime “Initiative Idea Exchange” will take place on Friday, August 16th at 12 PM. This will be a great opportunity to meet your Georgia Tech colleagues in a casual setting and receive initial feedback on your ideas. To participate, RSVP and meet in front of the Marcus Nanotechnology Building.

Where can I learn more about IMS?

More information about IMS and its existing centers, programs, and initiatives is available on the website.